
Showing posts from July, 2018

readchar - 2 ways

#include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c, d; long nc; for (nc = 0; (d = (c = getchar()) != EOF); nc++) { printf("\ngetchar() value is %d \n", d); printf("input is : "); putchar(c); printf("\neof value is %d \n", EOF); } printf("no of characters is %ld\n", nc); return 0; } #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c, d; long nc = 0; while (d = (c = getchar()) != EOF) { printf("\ngetchar() value is %d \n", d); printf("input is : "); putchar(c); printf("\neof value is %d \n", EOF); nc++; } printf("no of characters is %ld\n", nc); return 0; }

Farenheit Celsius Calculator

#include <stdio.h> void celsiusToFarenHeit(int celsius); void farenheitToCelsius(int farenheit); void main() { /* c/5=f-32/9 */ int max = 300; int index = 0; int increment = 20; for (index = 0; index <= max; index += increment) { celsiusToFarenHeit(index); farenheitToCelsius(index); } } void celsiusToFarenHeit(int celsius) { float farenheit = (9 * (celsius / 5)) + 32; printf("Celsius : %d => Farenheit : %6.2f\n", celsius, farenheit); } void farenheitToCelsius(int farenheit) { float celsius = (5 * ((farenheit - 32) / 9)); printf("Farenheit : %d => Celsius : %6.2f\n", farenheit, celsius); }